Bloom into the best version of you

Ready to explore working together?

I help women increase their self-awareness, enhance their communication skills and build stronger relationships with themselves and others using the Enneagram.

Bloom into the best version of you

Ready to explore working together?

I help women increase their self-awareness, enhance their communication skills, and build stronger relationships with themselves and others using the Enneagram.

New to the 'Gram?

Download the freebie to discover the five secrets your Enneagram type can reveal about you.

Enneagram coaching services

Whether you’re seeking clarity in your personal relationships, navigating career transitions, or simply striving for deeper self-awareness, Enneagram coaching offers powerful insights and practical tools to help you become your best self. If you’re ready to get started, book a free 30 minute discovery call below.  

Ready to explore working together? Here are your next steps.


Book a free 30-minute discovery call below

Let’s chat! Tell me a little bit about who you are, your goals, and ask any lingering questions about the coaching process. Zero pressure. This is not one of those sleazy sales calls, promise!


Keep an eye on your inbox for an email from me

If we’re a good fit to work together, you’ll receive a link in your email to book your initial coaching session.

*And if you don’t see it come through, check your spam folder/promos tab and if you still can’t find it, email me and I’ll make sure it gets to you!


Complete the session one pre-work

Once you book your appointment, you’ll receive a welcome packet in your email. Follow the directions in the packet to complete your pre-work before our first session.

Book your free 30-minute discovery call now!

frequently asked questions

Deciding whether Enneagram coaching is the right fit for you ultimately depends on your readiness to explore and grow. If you’re seeking deeper self-awareness, greater clarity in your relationships, or a more fulfilling path forward in your personal or professional life, then Enneagram coaching could be incredibly beneficial.

By understanding your Enneagram type and working with a skilled coach, you’ll gain valuable insights into your patterns of behavior, motivations, and areas for growth. Whether you’re navigating a career transition, seeking to enhance your communication skills, or simply striving for a more authentic and balanced life, Enneagram coaching can provide you with practical tools and strategies to empower your journey.

If you’re curious about how Enneagram coaching can support you on your path to personal transformation, I invite you to book a free 30-minute discovery call. During this call, we can discuss your goals, explore how Enneagram coaching can benefit you, and determine if we’re a good fit to work together.

While both Enneagram coaches and counselors/therapists support personal growth, they have different focuses.

A coach is someone who is taking a client from the present moment and assisting them in moving forward to attain their growth goals. As an Enneagram coach, I use the Enneagram framework to help clients gain self-awareness, enhance interpersonal relationships, and develop strategies for growth.

A trained and licensed counselor/therapist, on the other hand, is someone who is helping a client work through past issues, traumas, and needs with therapuetic healing practices.

If you’re looking for personal development and self-awareness, an Enneagram coach is a great fit for you. For mental health support, counseling or therapy with a licensed professional is recommended.

For convenience and flexibility, coaching sessions, including group coaching sessions, take place over Google Meet.

While each individual’s journey with Enneagram coaching is unique, there are several common goals and outcomes that clients often work towards. These include:

  • Increased self-awareness: Gain deeper insight into your personality, motivations, and patterns of behavior.
  • Improved relationships: Enhance communication skills, empathy, and understanding in your interactions with others.
  • Personal growth: Identify areas for development and implement strategies for positive change and growth.
  • Stress management: Learn effective techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.
  • Career development: Clarify your career goals, strengths, and values to make informed decisions and progress in your professional life.
  • Life balance: Achieve a greater sense of balance, fulfillment, and well-being in all areas of your life.

It’s important to approach Enneagram coaching with an open mind and a willingness to explore and grow. As your coach, we’ll  work together to define your goals and tailor the coaching process to meet your individual needs and aspirations. Whether you’re seeking clarity, transformation, or simply a deeper understanding of yourself, Enneagram coaching can support you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.